21 01, 2011

Getting Involved With Conservation

By |2021-05-24T08:41:07+00:00January 21, 2011|Activities|Comments Off on Getting Involved With Conservation

For children who care about the plight of the natural world, there’s never been an easier – or more important – time to get involved with conservation. Whatever they’re passionate about, there’s bound to be a way for them to do their bit to help preserve some of the unique [...]

20 01, 2011

The Eco Photo-Essay

By |2021-05-24T08:41:07+00:00January 20, 2011|Activities|Comments Off on The Eco Photo-Essay

When it comes to getting any story across, there’s not much doubting that video is the dominant way of doing it, but never-the-less, there are still times when a collection of striking still photographs can say more than a few minutes-worth of moving ones. If you’ve ever idly flicked through [...]

23 11, 2010

Be an Eco Reporter or Movie Maker

By |2021-05-24T08:41:07+00:00November 23, 2010|Activities|2 Comments

With so much readily available and relatively cheap technology to be had, there’s never been an easier time to launch your own career as a budding eco reporter or movie maker. Most of what you need comes built-in to most modern laptops – and an awful lot of mobile phones [...]

2 09, 2010

Starting Your Own Eco Blog

By |2021-05-24T08:41:06+00:00September 2, 2010|Activities|1 Comment

From politicians and pop stars to the people next door, it seems just about everyone’s blogging and for eco-friendly kids, there’s probably no better way of making their thoughts and ideas on the future of the planet known to the wider world. Like all things internet, blogging comes with the [...]

2 09, 2010

Planting Your Own Mini Wildflower Meadow

By |2021-05-24T08:41:07+00:00September 2, 2010|Activities|Comments Off on Planting Your Own Mini Wildflower Meadow

Wildflower meadows have an appeal all of their own and if you’re a bit of a wildlife fan, there’s not much to beat a few hours spent watching the steady stream of bees and other pollinating insects busying themselves amongst the blooms on a warm summer’s afternoon. Unfortunately, changes to [...]

1 09, 2010

Getting the Most Out of Woodland Walks

By |2021-05-24T08:41:06+00:00September 1, 2010|Activities|Comments Off on Getting the Most Out of Woodland Walks

Wherever you live in Britain, there are very few places where you’re more than a short distance from a good woodland walk and whatever kind of trees make up your local forest – conifers, broad-leafed trees or a mixture of the two – there’s likely to be plenty to see [...]

1 09, 2010

Build Your Own Greenhouse from Plastic Bottles

By |2021-05-24T08:41:07+00:00September 1, 2010|Activities|19 Comments

Here’s a great practical project for the whole family – turn used plastic bottles into a greenhouse, and then enjoy the chance to grow some of your own food once you’ve finished. Some of the heavier construction work is probably going to be adults-only – or older kids at least [...]

16 06, 2010

Bird Watching: How to Get Started

By |2021-05-24T08:41:05+00:00June 16, 2010|Activities|Comments Off on Bird Watching: How to Get Started

Starting bird watching with your kids couldn’t be easier. Even in the depths of the city, in parks and back gardens, on lamp-posts and roadside trees, you’ll find something to watch and some of the best opportunities exist outside your own kitchen window, particularly if you have a bird bath [...]

16 06, 2010

Take Your Kids on a Back Garden Safari

By |2021-05-24T08:41:05+00:00June 16, 2010|Activities|Comments Off on Take Your Kids on a Back Garden Safari

If you’re blessed with wildlife-mad youngsters but you just can’t quite manage to conjure up that flight to Africa before bed time, then don’t despair. Admittedly, while there’s nothing quite like watching animals grazing on the Serengeti, you actually don’t have to go very far to encounter some pretty bizarre [...]

16 06, 2010

Do Your Own Energy Survey

By |2021-05-24T08:41:06+00:00June 16, 2010|Activities|Comments Off on Do Your Own Energy Survey

With energy being one of the biggest issues of the day, doing your own energy survey can be a great way to involve all the family in doing something that’s both positive for the planet, and helpful to the household budget. Professional audits will, of course, be more comprehensive than [...]

3 04, 2009

Quiz: How Eco-Aware Are Your Kids?

By |2021-05-24T08:41:05+00:00April 3, 2009|Activities|2 Comments

Whatever way you want to look at it, children really are the future of the planet. With our natural resources running out, the way they choose to take charge could save the environment from natural disaster. So how eco-aware are your brood? Are they out and about recycling in your [...]

1 04, 2009

How Children Learn Through Involvement in Eco Campaigns

By |2021-05-24T08:41:05+00:00April 1, 2009|Activities|Comments Off on How Children Learn Through Involvement in Eco Campaigns

Whether it's a much-loved local park about to be bulldozed, or a species of whale about to be wiped out it's always inspiring to hear your child ask "What can we do about it, Mum?" Caring about these issues means that your child is starting to discover the world around [...]

26 05, 2008

Get Creative Making Sock Puppets

By |2021-05-24T08:41:04+00:00May 26, 2008|Activities|Comments Off on Get Creative Making Sock Puppets

If you feel like you’ve got enough plastic stuff then it’s time to get creative and come up with some entertaining ways of using recyclable materials. Making sock puppets is a great way to use up old socks and extra craft materials, and once you have a whole cast you [...]

15 06, 2007

Colouring Sheets

By |2021-05-24T08:41:04+00:00June 15, 2007|Activities|Comments Off on Colouring Sheets

Get your young children immersed in all things eco by providing them with an array of colouring sheets to crayon or paint - and most importantly enjoy! Learning Through Play Pre-schoolers and young children learn through play and fun activities. Most youngsters will happily occupy themselves with crafts and creative [...]

26 04, 2007

Spot the Recyclable Products

By |2021-05-24T08:41:04+00:00April 26, 2007|Activities|Comments Off on Spot the Recyclable Products

We are all encouraged to recycle our rubbish these days with recycling provisions readily available in almost every district and clear information on most packaging as to how it can be safely and ethically disposed of. Also, with many areas now implementing reduced refuse collections, it is in our own [...]

10 04, 2007

Weather Observation Chart

By |2021-05-24T08:41:04+00:00April 10, 2007|Activities|Comments Off on Weather Observation Chart

A weather observation chart can be a fantastic motivational and educational project for young children. It can also act as a springboard for the introduction of many other topics for exploration and learning all tied in with the common theme of the environment and the world around them. And, best [...]

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